Japanese Lesson for foreigners

Courses Schedule

Monday -Sunday 10:00-19:00 

Courses Price Admission fee 10,000yen

Private Lesson 3,000yen/h~

Trial :Free

Japanese CHAT Table :500yen 

Head Teacher: Meiko Kai 

Makkam International is a unique and innovative language institution focused on learning practical Japanese in a fully immersed casual environment, all for a reasonable price!
Whether you want to make life in Japan more comfortable, improve your business language ability, or to check your level at school, this is the place for you!
Our instructors have experience in teaching a wide variety of lessons; from helping university students, expatriate family members of any age, as well as businessmen.
We are open on Saturdays and Sundays, so this is a great way to brush up your Japanese for those who are busy during the week.

在Makkam Language Room,您可以享受一个完全自在的会话空间及实在的语言学习价格!短期出差、游学或是要准备日语检定,这里绝对是您绝佳的选择!这里的外语教师拥有丰富的教学经验,可以帮助您达成学业或是工作上的需求。课程时间主要在周末,平日忙于工作及学业的您更不可错过这个提升日语能力的优质好机会!

Online Japanese Lesson

We provide Online Japanese lessons for foreigners even you are in abroad.

Feel free to ask us about it!


TEL: 080-5083-7780(担当:甲斐)

Mail: meiko.kai@makkam.jp

TEL: 080-5083-7780 

 (担当 甲斐)



10:00 ~ 19:00

※ 外部授業で外出してい場合があるため、事前にお問合せください。


◇ 目黒本町教室 ◇


5-10-19 Aliquot Turm 301


東急目黒線 武蔵小山より徒歩7分

西小山駅より 徒歩6分